Sectors We Serve

At M.Yasin & Co. Inc. our focus is on providing professional advice and assistance to individuals, business owners and professionals.


Our team has served clients across 20 different sectors:

Taxi companies
Small and medium businesses
Professional corporations e.g. Law and Medical Practices
Non-profit and charitable organizations
Construction companies
Retail business
Hotel services
Real estate developers
Transportation companies
and many more..


Ask us how we can help your business.

Let's build a relationship.

Contact Us

We offer a wide range of services:

We assist clients in managing risk and taking advantage of opportunities for diversification and growth within the business through a variety of services.

With offices in Vancouver and Surrey, our professionals have technical expertise and experience to serve a diverse group of businesses, organizations, and individuals across a broad range of industries.

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Contact our team of Chartered Professional Accountants

Let us take care of all your accounting needs, so you can focus stress-free on your business.

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